Is Raw Garlic good for your skin and cure acne 2024?

How many of the misconceptions surrounding acne are true, especially the myth of eating raw garlic to cure acne?

Their findings suggested that garlic has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and has been used for a long time to manage diversified skin disorders. As far as external and oral application is concerned, garlic is also beneficial in treating acne.

Raw garlic consists of some compounds including allicin, azoene, and polysulfides, which directly affect acne-causing Cutibacterium acnes bacteria and slow down their growth The antibacterial properties of sulfur in garlic should also be noted here.

However, garlic contains antioxidants that may lessen the effects of skin problems like inflammation and redness on acne Further, garlic is a natural antioxidant which possesses the ability to eliminate free radicals that cause acne.

However, most of the earlier research that has been carried out have focused on the use of garlic powder in processed garlic not the raw garlic but more research needs to be carried out to find out whether raw garlic is a cure for strong mouth to treat allergy or not. There are signs of beneficial outcomes but it is too soon for truly definitive conclusions rooted in science.

How Long Does Garlic Take to Clear Pimples?

It is difficult to say how many days it will take for the garlic to clear the existing pimples. The effectiveness and the time may vary depending on the person and the degree of acne and the regularity when using garlic. 

Several testimonials indicate that applying raw garlic juice or a garlic paste directly on the pimples before going to bed can decrease the size of the pimple and the redness the following morning. Other sources indicate that keeping a regular regimen of oral garlic tablet intake for four to six weeks effectively prevents new acne formations and enhances chronic acne.

However, it is important to note that garlic should not be relied on as the sole remedy for acne. For mild acne, it is advisable to use garlic together with other recommended remedies and habits for the best results, especially for severe cases of acne. When using natural remedies like garlic to treat acne, do not be quick to give up on the remedy.

Is raw garlic beneficial for the skin?

Some of the skin health benefits of raw garlic include research that indicates that it can be used externally through application on the skin, or taken internally with the skin reaping the benefits. Garlic has antioxidants that could prevent skin from exposure to UV radiation and other factors that may cause early signs of aging. They may also prevent the proliferation of bacteria that cause acne related skin conditions. 

However, garlic has some side effects that also go with it and these include skin reactions such as burning, irritation and rashes where the garlic is applied. Garlic is quite strong so skin reactions are quite frequent. It is crucial to dilute this product and exercise proper precaution in order to prevent the manifestation of such reactions.


In moderation as a raw garlic supplement used in an otherwise balanced and nutritious diet, there don’t seem to be significant concerns for most healthy adults. However, its intake may cause certain side effects when combined with other drugs such as blood thinners. It may also cause upset with the stomach, foul smell in the mouth and overall body smell if taken in large amounts. 

Thus, while the unprocessed garlic which can be administered in its raw form might be effective in treating certain skin problems, moderation and right application methods are important for safety purposes. People with severe skin diseases should seek the advice of a dermatologist before using natural remedies involving garlic.

Garlic and Skin Infections: Some of the common myths may include:

Some published literature wants people to believe that garlic is resistant to bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases, including antibiotics and other drug resistant research Many animal studies laboratory studies have shown that some garlic components have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Human studies remain limited. However, when used externally, garlic is effective in treating conditions such as wound infections or skin conditions like athlete’s foot fungus. As we have seen, the oral garlic tablets have immune enhancing properties that can prevent viral infections before they manifest themselves.

Thus, while the current data is quite encouraging, further clinical trials are required to determine garlic’s effectiveness as a monotherapy for skin infections. Minimally, garlic should be taken alongside traditional medicine and antibiotics if one has a diagnosed skin infection.

Mild skin infections may take time to heal but if the topical and oral garlic application is continued then they heal completely. However, serious infections call for intervention from your doctor since they may lead to complications. This is particularly important because there are some severe skin conditions that should not be treated through the use of garlic alone.

Is It Safe For Me To Consume Raw Garlic On A Daily Basis?

Consuming 2-3 cloves of raw garlic per day is not harmful and may even be useful to health, provided that other meals are healthy as well. Population surveys associate increased consumption of garlic with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and possibly cancer as well.

Eating raw garlic is considered healthier compared to cooked garlic because some of the components are neutralized by heat. But both turn out to have useful plant nutrients including antibiotics and antioxidants. Remove the outer skin from the garlic and allow it to marinate for about 10-15 minutes before using in preparation of meals so that it does not lose its active components.

Use raw garlic as an adjunctive therapy that may help improve health conditions and not as a standalone solution. Begin with 2-3 small cloves of garlic per day in their diet. bit by bit take 1 to  2 large cloves per day, around 2-5 grams, to prevent side effects as the body begins to adjust. Although it is a healthy and good herb to have, some issues may occur when one takes many garlic products especially when taking some drugs so always consult a doctor. 

Those who have issues with heartburn or acid reflux can also find that their body is sensitive to consuming too much raw garlic. Thus one should learn to listen to the body signals and take food in a proper amount while being consistent about it.

Chewing or Swallowing Garlic?

Swallowing raw garlic after chewing it releases an enzyme called alliinase that catalyzes the formation of allicin from alliin – believed to contain the highest antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Therefore, unless consuming encapsulated aged garlic extract, chewing delivers the best uptake. Chewing food also helps in the release of pre-digestive enzymes by our stomach so that digestion can be faster.

The best way to consume raw garlic may involve:

  1. To prepare the garlic, peel 1-2 small/medium-sized cloves of garlic, about 2 grams each.
  2. Allowing cloves to steep for 10-15 minutes before grounding into paste with a knife or press. This initiates the alliin to allicin transformation before chewing commences. 
  3. Cutting garlic paste into small pieces  
  4. Swallowing the medicine by taking it in the mouth and chewing it very well for a few minutes. For that reason, longer chewing results in better absorption and improved efficacy of the medicine. Use seasonings like lemon, herbs, olive oil or other condiments to make the food appealing for chewing.

Try to dissolve each daily dose of garlic slowly in the mouth with no food present as much as possible. Consume a full glass of water to wash out any residues through the gastrointestinal system and avoid food intake for ½ an hour to avoid bad breath/body odor. It is advised to take raw garlic with chlorophyll, parsley or mint foods in order to minimize the smell.

How to take Garlic for Clear Skin?  

While oral and topical garlic approaches may both provide skin-clearing perks, combining tactics leads to the most substantial acne-fighting benefits according to research and anecdotal use:

**Oral:** Use one piece of large/extra-large garlic (~ 3-5 grams) to peel it. Take bites and chow down thoroughly to get alliinase working before swallowing, at least five minutes. Take it 1-2 times daily before any meal with some water. It delivers skin-nourishing antioxidants and S sulfur compounds to the body internally. 

**Topical:** Mince 2-3 cloves of raw garlic with skin off and mash them. This can be applied directly to the acne or mixed with honey or coconut oil and then spread on the affected areas of the skin. Apply on the skin and let it dry for about 5-10 minutes before washing with warm water. Apply 1-3 times a week as an all natural acne fighting face mask targeting external bacteria and redness. 

Also, try including garlic in your diet, taking aged garlic extract supplements and avoiding things that cause acne among other healthy lifestyle aspects for clear skin apart from garlic consumption. However, garlic is one of the few natural products that can be used in a regular regimen at a relatively low price.

How Much Garlic – by Clove – Daily?  

It is also important to note that there is no specific daily raw garlic cloves dosage for each of the above health goals. Recommended intake ranges based on your reason for use:

**General Health Maintenance:** For general health, use 1-2 small/medium raw garlic cloves per day as a general guideline. This provides beneficial sulfur compounds and antioxidants to the body, but without going to the extreme.

**Cardiovascular Support:** Some studies show that up to 4 cloves per day may be most effective for the heart. Extend its use to 1-2 cloves per day, 1-2 times a day at most. High amounts should not be taken by those on blood thinners since it may lead to bleeding. 

**Acne/Skin Clearing:** Begin the course with 1 excess large peeled garlic clove, chewed well, once daily. Gradually increase time spent chewing before swallowing then gradually also increase the amount of garlic consumed to 2-3 cloves of similar size if one does not experience gastrointestinal discomfort. Including topical garlic can enhance the antibacterial impact due to the relevance of the ingredient. 

**During Illness:** Increase consumption of garlic to 3-4 cloves per day by taking time to chew the cloves then swallowing whole. This builds upon the fact that garlic has potent anti microbial properties that may be harnessed to fight infections. However, it is advisable to stop using garlic once symptoms have subsided in order not to consume too much of it.

Whether you are aiming for weight loss, improved general health or any other wellness objective, allow your body to dictate your optimal lifelong garlic consumption. Some of the signs that signal that you have had enough include stomach upsets such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea or any other discomfort felt in the stomach after consuming garlic.

How does Garlic aid a woman?

Garlic may offer various health perks of interest for women including:

**Heart Health:** Garlic is rich in substances that may lower blood pressure and cholesterol – the artery-clogging substance. This may decrease the likelihood of developing heart diseases – the leading cause of death among women. Population analyses associate the consumption of raw garlic with cardiovascular outcomes.

**Breast Health:** Few studies suggest that garlic may defend the breast cells from toxins and stop the cancerous tumors. Garlic does seem to have some potential for helping with breast related issues but more research should be conducted. Some of the compounds in garlic are toxic to breast cancer cells but not to normal cells.

**Reproductive Health:** Vaginal administration of allicin, an anti-fungicide found in garlic, can prevent yeast infections. It can be attributed to the presence of this spice as it also increases blood flow to the rectum. This increases sensitivity which may have a positive impact on sexual desire and sexual activity in females with circulatory problems.

**Bone Health:** Garlic has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are potentially helpful in the prevention or slowing down of osteoporosis. In some animal research, aged garlic extract appears to shield bone-forming cells and inhibit bone shrinkage as well as hormone replacement therapy. This effect requires further assessment in humans.

Thus, while some conventional assertions about garlic are still scientifically undetermined in women, it seems to have positive aspects without negative consequences. However, because of hormonal interferences, its intake should be reduced during pregnancy/nursing and seek medical advice.

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